
Preventing and Managing Sciatica Pain

Characterized by pain radiating down the leg from the lower back, sciatica can significantly impact your daily life. While the exact cause can vary, physical therapy plays a crucial role in both preventing and managing sciatica pain. Through a combination of therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, and patient education, physical therapists can help strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce nerve compression. 

Sciatica causes pain that begins in the lower back and spreads through the buttock, leg, calf and, occasionally, the foot. It can be a disruptive and painful condition, but early intervention and lifestyle adjustments can significantly alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Increase exercise

Exercise is an important way to prevent sciatica. If you already have symptoms, staying physically can actually help diminish your pain. Consider these types:

  • aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, and other activities that increase your heart rate
  • strength training, such as exercises using free weights or weight machines, or isometric exercises, which involve contracting muscles without obvious movement
  • flexibility training, such as yoga, tai chi, Pilates, and similar activities that increase both flexibility and strength.

The “best” exercise is the one that you like to do and will continue to do long term. Always “start low and go slow” when beginning a new type of exercise.

Strengthen your core

It might not seem obvious that a stronger core could improve your spinal health. But your core is not just your abdominal muscles, even though they are key contributors to the stability of your spine. Muscles in the back, sides, pelvis, and buttocks also are part of your core. Strengthening all of these muscles helps to support your spine.

Many types of exercise, including yoga and Pilates, can strengthen the core muscles. For example, planks and bridges are movements that target the core. You can find more options, with instructions, in the Harvard Special Health Report Gentle Core Exercises.

Avoid sitting for long periods

Prolonged periods of sitting put pressure on the discs and ligaments in the low back. If you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, take frequent breaks, or try a standing desk. Less sitting is better.

Practice good posture

Although there’s no evidence that poor posture can cause back pain, it can make existing pain worse. But you don’t have to walk around the room with a book on your head to practice good posture. Follow these tips:

  • Pay attention to your body’s position when you’re standing or sitting.
  • To prevent slouching, pull your shoulders down and back. Imagine your shoulder blades touching.
  • If you work at a computer, take frequent breaks. Position your monitor so you can see it without bending your head down or tilting it back.

Avoid smoking

Besides its general harmful effects on your health, smoking reduces how much oxygen your tissues are getting. Because the discs in the spine don’t have a great oxygen supply to begin with, smoking can increase the risk of disc degeneration and damage that can lead to sciatica.

Get enough sleep

Like your brain, your spine also needs rest. While you’re awake and vertical, it supports the weight of your body and absorbs the forces of everyday life. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Tips for spine-healthy sleep include the following:

  • If you need or want to purchase a new mattress, get one that feels comfortable to you and that keeps your spine aligned. Firmer isn’t necessarily better. Finding a mattress with a money-back guarantee can give you time to test your purchase and ensure it’s right for you.
  • If you sleep on your back, a two-piece wedge cushion may relieve pain from sciatica. One-piece rests under your legs and the other under your back. An alternative to buying a special cushion: put two thick pillows behind your back to prop you into a slightly raised position. Then place one or two flatter pillows under your knees to raise your legs.
  • If you sleep on your side, place a contoured pillow (or any plump pillow) between your knees. Use a thick pillow under your head; this helps to align your upper spine.
  • Sleeping on your stomach is the least preferred position if you have sciatica. But if this is how you’re most comfortable, use no pillow or only a flat pillow under your head. Place a plump pillow under your hips to align your spine.

The vast majority of people who have sciatica get better within a few weeks. If you have sciatica, chances are also good that with careful attention, treatment, and preventive steps, you’ll be able to keep it from coming back.

Don’t let sciatica pain control your life. Our experienced physical therapists can help you prevent and manage pain through personalized treatment plans, including therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and patient education.

Outstanding in-person physical therapy is still unparalleled for patient success! At Uncommon PT you will receive the highest level of commitment. Every patient has unique goals for therapy; our mission is to do everything needed to help you achieve yours — uncommonly well. As it says in our ethos, “success is uncommon and not to be enjoyed by the common man.” We hold ourselves to a higher standard — we want to be a part of your success story. Schedule your appointment in Charlotte today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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The Role of PT in Post-Surgery Recovery

Surgery can be a significant event in your life, and the recovery process is crucial for a successful outcome. Physical therapy plays a vital role in post-surgical rehabilitation, helping patients regain strength, mobility, and function. Learn how physical therapists can guide individuals through their recovery journey.

A key component to regaining strength and mobility after surgery is physical therapy. While surgery aims to address health issues, some sort of physical therapy may be required in your journey toward optimal recovery. Strengthening your muscles and improving your range of motion not only helps in recovery but also can reduce pain and prevent future injuries to the same area. Keep reading to understand why physical therapy after surgery is crucial, according to Tim Sorrells, physical therapist and director of St. Mary’s Rehabilitation Services.

Improving and Restoring Mobility and Balance

Surgery often causes temporary mobility limitations to the impacted region. When you experience this type of trauma, your body’s natural response is to protect itself. This can cause muscle and tissue tightness, swelling, and limited range of motion. Physical therapy is important for restoring function. Physical therapists can help patients regain their mobility and balance by practicing interventions such as exercise, stretches, heat and cold therapy, light therapy and more. Exercises that strengthen core, back, and pelvic muscles increase stability and improve balance. Exercises may also target muscles in specific areas, such as those that support the knee, hip, or shoulder. These exercises can be used in recovering from surgeries like knee or hip replacement or rotator cuff repairs.

Pain Management

While tightness and swelling are a natural reaction to injury, they can lead to a great deal of pain. Post-surgical pain is caused not only by damage to nerves caused by the surgery itself but also by inflammation compressing nerves in your body. Physical therapy helps to reduce the swelling and improve post-surgical pain. A physical therapist will work closely with a patient to determine which interventions will provide the most benefit to address the underlying causes of pain.

Prevents Secondary Complications

Secondary issues to surgery can include infection, blood clots, and other complications. Physical therapy can help reduce these issues using tailored exercises to decrease the risk of infection, contractures, and blood clots. Also, inactivity after surgery can decrease cardiovascular fitness, cause respiratory issues, and a general decline in physical health. Staying active with physical therapy interventions can counteract the complications and enhance overall well-being.

Depending on your surgery, your physical therapist will provide a tailored plan to help you reach your full potential. Be sure to stick to the plan, keep your PT appointments, and do your home exercises and stretches as prescribed to ensure that you can regain your strength and return to living the life you love.

Free Consultation

Take advantage of a complimentary 15-minute phone conversation with a licensed Physical Therapist to discuss your concerns and ensure Uncommon Physical Therapy is best for you
(we know it will be)!

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Don’t let surgery slow you down. Partner with our physical therapy specialists for a faster, smoother recovery. Schedule your appointment in Charlotte today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Feel Better, Move Better: The Benefits of Physical Therapy

As we embark on a new year, it’s time to set health and fitness goals. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, managing chronic pain, or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, physical therapy can be a game-changer. By working with a qualified physical therapist, you can develop personalized treatment plans, learn effective exercise techniques, and achieve your health and fitness goals.

Physical therapy provides so many benefits that you may not realize all the reasons it’s worth a try.

Physical therapy is a proven treatment method that helps people heal from injuries, disabilities and health conditions. Some of its many benefits include pain management, improved mobility and muscle strengthening.

Each person’s needs and goals for physical therapy are unique. After a therapist does an evaluation of your condition and reviews your medical history, together you will establish short and long term goals. The therapist will then create a routine to help you meet those goals. Exercise is a main component of physical therapy, but recommended treatments may also include posture correction and alignment, balance and coordination training, and stress-relieving routines.

Here are 7 common reasons to seek physical therapy treatment:

  • Pain management: Therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques can help relieve pain and restore muscle and joint function. Physical therapy can help reduce or eliminate the use of opioids for pain relief.
  • Mobility improvement: Stretching and strengthening exercises help restore your ability to move better at any age. Whether you have a chronic condition like arthritis, are recovering from an injury or are managing age-related mobility issues, physical therapy may help.
  • Surgery avoidance: If physical therapy helps you manage pain or heal from an injury, surgery may not be needed. If you do need surgery, pre-surgery therapy can help you go into surgery in better shape, which can help speed recovery.
  • Sports injury recovery: Physical therapists can design recovery or prevention exercise programs to ensure a safe return to a sport. Some injuries that can be treated during physical therapy include tennis elbow, groin pulls, shin splints, hamstring strains, shoulder injuries, sprained ankles, knee injuries and Achilles tendinitis.

  • Stroke recovery: Physical therapy helps strengthen weakened parts of the body and improve posture and balance after having a stroke. Therapists can also improve stroke patients’ ability to be more independent by helping them return to performing everyday tasks.
  • Fall prevention: Physical therapy can improve coordination and balance, which reduces the likelihood of falls. Therapists can also recommend assistive devices and provide training on the proper way to use these devices to improve safety and reduce fall risk.
  • Health condition management: In addition to treating ailments such as arthritis and sports injuries, some physical therapists offer specialized management of health conditions, such as bowel or urinary incontinence, breast cancer, fibromyalgia and lymphedema, among others.

Regardless of your reason for starting physical therapy, being patient and persistent is the best way to see lasting results and continued improvement.


Start 2025 feeling your best. Our personalized treatment plans can help you recover faster and get back to doing what you love. Schedule your appointment in Charlotte today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Managing Pain During the Holidays

The holiday season, while filled with joy and celebration, can also be a source of stress and discomfort for those living with chronic pain. The combination of busy schedules, social gatherings, and emotional stress can exacerbate pain symptoms. We bring you some strategies to help you manage pain during the holiday season, ensuring a more peaceful and enjoyable experience.

The holidays often worsen pain symptoms with all their chaos. From travel to endless social gatherings and temptation-filled foods, our bodies tend to suffer. Even the stress of expectations from others can amplify symptoms. While you can’t prevent all increased pain at this hectic time of year, you can minimize the damage with these practical flare-up management tips:
Pace Yourself
Don’t say yes to every holiday invite or activity even if you feel obligated. Build frequent breaks into each day, and listen when your body says “enough!” Excuse yourself from conversations to sit and rest for a few songs between mingling at a concert or party. Plan relaxing activities like watching a movie between more exerting shopping trips.
Set Boundaries
Be honest yet tactful about medical limitations that require you to avoid or limit certain holiday obligations. For example, explain that travel is very difficult with your condition, so you can only handle celebrations close to home. Or due to dietary restrictions, ask hosts to set aside simpler fare you can safely eat.
Prioritize Rest
Turn down late-night events or unnecessary tasks cutting into sleep. Maintain your normal sleep schedule, even during vacation or visiting relatives. Take short 10-15 minute daytime naps to recharge if needed. Listen when your body says to leave a gathering early, even if others want you to stay.
Travel Smart
Choose routes with fewer connections and stops that require less walking. Use airport carts/shuttles if available for long terminal distances. Pack medications, braces, heating pads, and other medical necessities to use en route or at your destination to mitigate pain.
Stay Hydrated
Sip water continually amidst holiday drinking and salty party foods. Dehydration worsens widespread muscle aches, cramping, headaches, and fatigue. Bring a refillable water bottle for use in vehicles, long shopping excursions, or while shoveling snow.
Listen to Your Body With Food
Notice how various holiday treats affect your unique pain triggers and sensitivities. Avoid overindulging in ingredients like sugar, dairy, or gluten that intensify your symptoms. Politely pass on second helpings, however tempting that special dish may be this one time of year.
Have an Emergency Plan
Discuss parameters and options for leaving early or skipping upcoming events if pain escalates suddenly. Save stronger medications only for unbearable flare-ups. Having contingency exit strategies takes pressure off trying to push through severe symptoms. While few holiday seasons with pain symptoms run perfectly smoothly, self-care, boundaries, and contingency plans can lessen flare-ups. Prioritize what your body needs over the holiday hubbub. By implementing these coping tips, you can minimize pain spikes and maximize your holiday spirit.


Don’t let pain ruin your holiday cheer. Our expert physical therapists can help you manage your pain and enjoy the festive season. Schedule your appointment in Charlotte today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Why Do My Ankles Hurt When I Walk? | Causes & Treatment Options

Ankle pain while walking can be a frustrating and limiting experience. It can be caused by various factors, including injuries, overuse, and underlying medical conditions. Understanding the potential causes of ankle pain is essential for identifying the underlying issue and seeking appropriate treatment. Learn here how to alleviate discomfort and prevent future problems. If you have questions, come in and see us. You do not have to live with pain and decreased mobility. We will speak with you and construct a personalized program of recovery, complete with our full support!

Ankle Pain When Walking: Why They Hurt and What You Can Do

How You May Be Hurting Your Joints

Joint pain can significantly impact our quality of life. While many factors contribute to joint discomfort, some several daily habits and behaviors can exacerbate the issue. Understanding these potential causes is the first step in taking proactive measures to protect and preserve your joint health. If you have questions, come in — or call — to get them answered. PT’s Davis and Cassie are here to ensure your complete comfort, with a personalized approach to your swiftest and safest recovery. They are pleased to help you with your pain management and increased mobility. 

Carry Extra Weight

Your joints, which link your bones together, are sensitive to heavy loads. Every pound on your frame puts 4 pounds of stress on your knees. It also strains your back, hips, and feet. That causes wear and tear that can lead to damage, aches, and pain. Being overweight also triggers inflammation. That can make all your joints, including in your hands, stiff, painful, and swollen.

Text Too Much

‘Texting thumb’ is a real thing. Your tendons can get irritated and lock your thumb in a curled position. All that looking down at your phone is just as bad for your neck and shoulders, too. Every inch your head drops forward raises the load on your muscles. If you bend your neck so far that your chin touches your chest, it’s as if your neck has to support the weight of 5 heads instead of just one.

Steep Price of High Heels

They might look fab, but the higher they rise, the more your weight tips forward. Your thigh muscles have to work harder to keep your knee straight, which can cause pain. When heels go up, so does the twisting force in your knees. If you wear them every day, you boost your odds for osteoarthritis. That’s when the bones and the cushioning between the bones break down.

Wear the Wrong Shoes

Worn-out shoes don’t support your feet and ankles enough. That’ll throw your knees, hips, and back out of whack. Also, make sure your sneakers are right for your sport. High tops for basketball, for example, can protect your ankles from sprains. But don’t go overboard. Too much cushion or arch support means your foot can’t move naturally, which could keep you in a cycle of pain.

Crack Your Knuckles

That satisfying pop comes from tiny bubbles bursting in the fluid around your joints. Or from ligaments snapping against bone. Despite what annoyed adults might have warned you, it doesn’t cause arthritis. Still, it might be smart to stop. One study showed that this habit may cause your hands to swell and weaken your grip.

Lug a Big Bag

Whether it’s a purse, backpack, or messenger bag, packing too much can cause neck and shoulder pain. Heavy weight on one shoulder throws off your balance and your walk. If you tend to carry things only on one side, the constant pull overstretches your muscles and tires out your joints. If you do that every day, your body’s going to let you know loud and clear.

Use Wrong Muscles for the Job

When you put too much load on little muscles, your joints pay the price. If you need to open a heavy door, push with your shoulder instead of your fingers. When you lift something off the floor, bend at your knees and push up with your strong leg muscles. When you carry something, hold it close to you in the palms of your hands instead of stressing your fingers.

Sleep on Your Stomach

It might help with snoring, but not so much with the rest of your body. Lying on your tummy pushes your head back, which compresses your spine. Your head also will face in one direction for longer stretches than if you sleep on your back. All that puts pressure on other joints and muscles.

Skip Stretching

You don’t need to be a yogi, but regular stretching can help strengthen your muscles and tendons. It also can make them more flexible. That allows your joints to move more easily and helps the muscles around them work better. That’s key to healthy and stable joints.

Skimp on Strength Training

Once you turn 40, your bones start to get a little thinner and more likely to break. If you build muscle with strength training, it slows bone loss and triggers new growth. So you not only get stronger muscles, but denser bones, too. Together, they stabilize your joints so you’re less likely to get hurt.

Smoke and Chew Tobacco

Here’s another reason to quit: Your joints will thank you. Nicotine from cigarettes and chewing tobacco cuts down on blood flow to your bones and to the cushioning discs in your back. It limits how much bone-building calcium your body can take in. It also breaks down estrogen, a hormone you need for bone health. And it slows new growth that thickens bones. All that makes your joints weaker and your hips more likely to break.

Don’t Get Quality ZZZs

You may wonder how poor sleep can affect your joints. One study found that people with arthritis felt more pain after restless nights. That made them take a closer look. One theory is that when you don’t sleep well, it triggers inflammation in your body. That might lead to joint problems over time. More research is needed, but in the meantime, it sure won’t hurt to get good shut-eye.

Slouch and Slump

Your body’s at its best when you work with it, not against it. That’s why posture matters. When you slump in your chair, it puts more stress on your muscles and joints and tires them out. It’s like always jamming on your car brakes when you could just ease down on the pedal instead. So keep your back straight and those shoulders back and down.

Ignore Pain

When you work out, you might think you just need to power through it. After all, no pain, no gain, right? It’s true that some muscle soreness is OK. But not if it lasts for days or if your muscles are swollen or too sore to move or to touch. Joint pain isn’t normal, so pay attention to it. If you think you overdid it, ease up on your exercises. If the pain won’t go away, check with your doctor.

Too Much Computer Time


It can literally be a pain in your neck — and your elbows, wrists, back, and shoulders. The problem isn’t just bad posture, but that you hold it for too long. That overworks your muscles. It also puts pressure on the discs in your back. If you’re in a soft chair, prop up your arms with cushions to take the load off your shoulders and your neck. Be sure to get up and move every hour.

Repeat Poor Form

When you run, bike, or play tennis, you use the same motions over and over. But if your form is bad, you’ll stress your body in all the wrong places. If you overload your muscles, it puts more pressure on your joints, and you can end up with an injury like tennis elbow.

Are your daily activities limited by joint discomfort? Don’t let pain control your life. Our gentle and effective therapies can alleviate symptoms and improve your mobility. Schedule your appointment in Charlotte today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Expert Physical Therapy for Rotator Cuff Tears | Personalized Recovery Plans

A rotator cuff tear can be a painful and debilitating injury. However physical therapy is a powerful tool for recovery and regaining shoulder strength and mobility. Through targeted exercises, hands-on treatments, and expert guidance, you can overcome the challenges of a rotator cuff tear and return to your favorite activities. 

If you have a rotator cuff tear, you’re not alone. It happens to millions of people every year. It’s a common cause of shoulder pain. The right treatment can make you feel better, keep a small injury from getting worse, and help you heal. For many people, physical therapy (PT) is the answer. It may be all you need to treat an injured rotator cuff.PT is a way to get back strength and movement after an injury. It includes things like exercise, ice, heat, massage, and equipment to help return your shoulder back to its normal range of motion.

The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in your shoulder. They form a “cuff” over the top end of your arm. It helps you lift and rotate your arm. And it keeps the shoulder steady as your arm moves.

A rotator cuff tear can be caused by different things. It can get sore from normal wear and tear over the years. This happens mostly to people over age 40. But you can also get one in a fall or by repeating the same activity over and over.

When you do the same thing again and again, the rotator cuff can start to fray, like a worn sock. It can separate or tear, especially if you lift something heavy.

If you think you have a tear, see your doctor. They may send you to someone who treats bones, joints, muscles, and tendons, called an orthopedic doctor. They can talk to you about surgical and nonsurgical options, including PT.

Unless the injury is severe, PT is a typical starting point. Your physical therapist will ask questions about your life and the things you do. They’ll do some tests to learn more about your pain. The therapist will ask you to raise your arm, move it to the side, or push against something to see what your limits are.

PT helps in lots of ways. One study shows that people who got PT for a rotator cuff tear did just as well as those who had surgery.

PT can also help you recover after rotator cuff surgery. It’s the same idea — to improve strength and movement and get back to regular life. The therapist will show you how not to injure your shoulder again after surgery.

As you recover, pay attention to your pain and ask for help if you need it. That’s the best way to heal your injured shoulder and keep it as strong as possible for the rest of your life.

Don’t let a rotator cuff tear sideline you. Reclaim your strength and mobility with our expert, experienced pain therapists at Uncommon PT in Charlotte. Let us create a personalized treatment plan for lasting relief. Schedule your appointment today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Lower Back Pain Causes & Treatments

Lower back pain is a nagging companion for many, but the source of that ache can be a mystery. It’s not just one culprit; a cast of characters can be behind your discomfort. Understanding the potential causes empowers you to find relief—let’s read together and find out more. 

Come in and see us for your personalized diagnosis and solutions. One size does not fit all—we are Uncommon PT—finding unique solutions for your mobility and pain issues.

What Are The Causes of Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is very common. It commonly appears that overuse or what may be a minor injury can be the cause, but sometimes there may be no obvious reason behind the back pain. On the other hand, an underlying medical condition can also be a symptom of lower back pain.

Lower back pain may develop unexpectedly or moderately, and later on, it can be a dull ache to an intense, severe ache. However, back pain emerges chronic in some people, so collectively. Today you will be learning all about the possible causes behind lower back pain and their treatments. We also uncover when to see a doctor.

Sprains and Strains

Strains and sprains both come out as common causes of lower back pain. Moreover, a sprain develops when a trusted source person overstretches or tears a ligament while doing the same to a tendon or muscle, causing a strain. 

Back sprains and strains can both be outcomes of overuse, sports injuries, twisting awkwardly, and lifting something too heavy or improperly. Tenderness, muscle spasms, and swelling are seen as the obvious symptoms of back sprains or strains.

Lower Back Pain Treatment at Home

A person can often treat Trusted Source back sprains and strains at home with rest, ice packs, and over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen.

Gently stretching and engaging in low-impact activities such as walking may help prevent the back muscles from becoming too tight.

Herniated or Ruptured Discs

Must avoid forceful impact to the back because it may promote spinal damage as herniated or ruptured discs. When it comes to other main causes, there are falls, sports injuries, as well as motor vehicle accidents.

Any severe injury can also develop sudden lower back pain, while tingling and numbness may be among the other symptoms that spread down the legs.

Back Pain Treatment for Persons with Minor Injuries

As we revealed, the lower back pain treatment at home in case, a person suffers from minor injuries can heal aches by applying ice, rest, OTC pain relievers, and gentle stretches.

When to see a doctor? After suffering from severe injuries, a doctor can recommend best physical therapy for lower back pain as well as pain management procedures, medications, and surgery.

Infections Can Also Develop Back Pain

Infections from other parts of the body moving to the spine also cause pain in your lower back. These spinal infections can also raise the injuries or spinal surgery, or maybe as a complication of conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and HIV.

Not only spinal infections but also vertebral osteomyelitis, known as an infection of the spinal bones, and a spinal epidural abscess, promote the protective membranes around the spinal cord. Severe back pain or flushing, swelling, and tenderness may be among the symptoms of a spinal infection, depending on their exact cause.

Infections Treatment

After falling in lower back pain, you must visit a physical therapist near you because he may better prescribe you antibiotics or antifungal medications. Your therapist may also recommend surgery to get rid of pressure on the spine and drain the infected body part.

Degenerative Disc disease

  • A person falls into degenerative disc disease as the discs between the spinal vertebrae start wearing down.
  • The discs between the spinal vertebrae play a role like protective cushions, so when they begin degenerating, rubbing appears between the vertebrae that may promote lower back pain.
  • The back pain has been examined as worsening as a person tries to bend, twist, and lift, though it doesn’t mean it cannot be treated, as routine walking or exercises can reduce the ache.

Lower Back Pain Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease Patients

The Arthritis Foundation has revealed treatment options for degenerative disc disease, including:

  • Perform physical and occupational therapy.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Intake of painkiller medications
  • Visit a doctor if these treatments don’t work.


  • Lower back and other symptoms, including stiffness and pain, are commonly seen in patients of arthritis as osteoarthritis.
  • Physical therapists cannot announce the exact causes of back pain because these may vary in terms of age.

Lower Back Pain Relief Treatment for Osteoarthritis Patients

Doctors usually suggest non-surgical lower back pain treatments for osteoarthritis patients, which are:

  • Control Weight
  • Intake of anti-inflammatory medications
  • Epidural Steroid Injection
  • Physical therapy exercises for lower back pain
  • Osteoporosis patients are more likely to suffer from vertebral compression fractures just because of weak and brittle bones. These fractures may be the cause of lower back pain.
  • Older individuals commonly experience osteoporosis effects. 


  • The doctor recommends wearing braces to most patients because braces prove helpful and patients recover early. 
  • Moreover, to treat an osteoporotic, an expert recommends vertebroplasty. The only reason is that it includes injecting cement into a defective bone. It’s helpful to stabilize the broken bone and reduce pain.

Ankylosing spondylitis

  • Spondylitis and ankylosing include inflammation caused in the joints and ligaments of the spine of persons. It is one of the forms of arthritis. 
  • During the suffering, people feel stiffness and lower back pain. However, symptoms can change concerning weakness and deficiency. 

Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment

Treatment for ankylosing spondylitis may include Trusted Source:

  • Treatment for spondylitis Ankylosing up to the trusted source are
  • Medication for anti-inflammatory. 
  • Biologic medicine.
  • Steroid injections. 
  • Replace joint surgery. 

Spinal Stenosis

For narrowing spinal stenosis, the spinal canals are useful. It will place pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. This treatment will mostly apply to older people because it is recommended by many doctors and has never left any negative impact on the body or bones. 

  • Spinal stenosis symptoms involve:
  • Back pain. 
  • Feel weakness in leg bones. 
  • Facing difficulty in walking. sciatica. 

Spinal Stenosis Treatment

  • The home treatment process for stenosis spinal can involve OTC, exercise, and pain relievers to give strength and power to the back muscles to improve mobility. 
  • For people who are facing severe symptoms, steroid injections are mostly recommended by doctors. Further neuropathic pain medications include nerve block procedures or surgery. 

Facet Joint Damage

  • The facet joints support to push vertebrates together. vertebrae bones supporting a person’s spine to heal. 
  • Due to the damage to facet joints, people suffer from back pain; without treatment, the level of pain increases and causes facet joint diseases. Meanwhile, the condition also occurs after a sports injury or any other accident. 

Facet Joint Treatment

Facet joint damage treatment up to the underlying causes. Apart from that, it includes taking inflammatory medication, radio frequency, and physical therapy. 


Scoliosis disease causes shoulder and hip pain. The diseases start affecting the children at the age of 11 and their further growth will continue with time. After becoming adults, these diseases make children face lower back pain. 

Scoliosis Treatment

  • The best treatment for the children is to start wearing the special back brace during their growing stage. 
  • In adult treatment, the medicine for the pain also involves variant exercises, including flexibility and posture. 
  • Moreover, in deep levels of suffering, patient doctors advise surgery for children and adults. 

Sciatica Other Causes or Reasons:

  • Lower back discomfort can be caused by a variety of conditions, not simply back problems.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (a bulge in a major blood artery in the abdomen)
  • Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue identical to the uterine lining develops outside it.
  • Fibromyalgia (a disorder that causes widespread discomfort).
  • Kidney stones are hard deposits within the kidneys.
  • Pregnancy cancer

Sciatica causes sharp back pain that radiates through the buttocks and down into the legs. It occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed due to other causes like spinal stenosis or arthritis.

Additional symptoms can include numbness or burning and tinging sensations that run down the leg. Symptoms may get worse when a person moves, sneezes, or coughs.

Sciatica Treatment

A person can often treat mild symptoms at home with rest, ice, and OTC pain relievers. For more severe symptoms, a doctor may recommend steroid injections or surgery.

Learn more about how to relieve sciatica pain here.

Cauda Equina Syndrome
  • Cauda equina syndrome is a rare condition that develops when something compresses or damages the cauda equina, which is a bundle of nerves in the lower part of the spinal cord.
  • This condition typically results from a herniated disc, but other causes include spinal stenosis and fractures, infections, and tumors that affect the spine. It can sometimes also occur as a complication of spinal surgery.

Symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome Can Include:

  • Severe lower back pain
  • Bowel and bladder problems
  • Numbness, weakness, or loss of sensation in one or both legs
  • Difficulty walking

Cauda Equina Syndrome Treatment

  • Cauda equina syndrome is a medical emergency that can lead to serious complications if a person does not receive prompt treatment, so a person should call 911 immediately if they experience any symptoms.
  • Doctors will generally recommend surgery to relieve pressure on the nerves. This reduces a person’s risk of developing permanent paralysis and incontinence.

Other Lower Back Pain Causes  

Lower back pain can sometimes also be a symptom of conditions that do not relate directly to the back.

Some other possible causes of lower back pain can include:

  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Kidney stones
  • Pregnancy
  • Cancer

When to See a Doctor?

Lower back pain usually goes away on its own, but you should visit a doctor if it is severe, not improving, or you have additional symptoms such as tingling or numbness in your legs.

If you develop signs of cauda equina syndrome, a dangerous illness characterized by severe back pain and loss of bladder or bowel control, get medical attention immediately.

A doctor can help determine what is causing the discomfort and provide the best therapy.

Stop living with back pain! Our experienced lower back pain therapy in Charlotte can diagnose the cause of your discomfort and create a personalized treatment plan for lasting relief. Schedule your appointment today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Which Push-Up Variation Is Best for You?

What are the effective and the best types of pushups? Not all push-ups are created equal!  Feeling lost between wide and close grip variations? Remember, proper form is crucial to prevent injuries and maximize results.

If you have any concerns, consulting with a physical therapist can provide personalized guidance and ensure you’re exercising safely and effectively. Discover below the perfect variation to strengthen your upper body, build core stability, and achieve your fitness goals — and we are here for all your questions. 

Push-ups are a go-to exercise both inside and outside of the gym to build upper-body strength without any equipment and using only your body weight. Therefore, by considering the need of good chest health, we have unveiled the best push-up variations for the chest in this roundup.

As we know push-up exercise is a close-chain kinetic exercise that helps patients improve their joint proprioception, joint stability, and muscle co-activation around the shoulder joint. Kinetic exercises play a key role in physiotherapy or physical therapy.

This upper-body exercise trains both your strength and endurance. But as a compound exercise — or multi-joint exercise — the push-up is invaluable in a fitness routine, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

We are revealing easy chest push-up variations that can help to improve your chest shape. let’s learn now, by simply tweaking your hand position, such as in a wide push-up or a close grip or narrow push-up, you can easily change which muscles you target.

You may have tried different push-up variations for chest improvement. These are easy pushup variations to strengthen your shoulders and chest. Here are the key differences between these two set-ups, plus how they help you develop strength and endurance.

How to Do a Wide Push-Up

Wide push-up technique is similar to that of a regular push-up, according to the ACE:

  1. Begin in a high plank with your glutes and core engaged. Place your hands wider than shoulder-distance apart and keep your hips in line with your head and heels.
  2. Keeping your back in a neutral position, slowly lower down until your elbows are bent at 90 degrees (or as low as you can go with good form).
  3. Push away from the floor to return to the starting position.

How to Do a Narrow Push-Up

A narrow or close-grip push-up looks like a regular push-up too, except that your hands are placed closer together, according to the ACE.

  1. Begin in a high plank with your glutes and core engaged. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and keep your hips in line with your head and heels.
  2. Keeping your back in a neutral position and your elbows tucked close to your ribs, slowly lower down until your chest nearly touches the floor (or as low as you can go with good form).
  3. Push away from the floor to return to the starting position.

Benefits of Wide vs. Narrow Push-Ups

push up variations for chest

You’ll get many push-up benefits no matter which type you choose, such as burning calories and building strength, stamina and muscle growth, according to the National Academy of Sports Medicine. But there are some unique perks depending on which variation you pick.

Wide Push-Ups

The wide push-up recruits more of your chest muscles, while a regular push-up shares the load with your triceps muscles.

Just make sure to maintain the placement of your hands and positioning of your shoulders the entire time: Tell yourself “wide shoulders” throughout the movement as a cue.

Close or Narrow Push-Ups

The close-grip push-up will target your triceps more than regular or wide push-ups, while still working your chest and core. This emphasis on a smaller muscle group (the triceps) makes close push-ups a more challenging movement.

You can make narrow push-ups a little easier by placing your hands on an elevated surface like a counter, wall or step for an incline push-up. These pushup variations are said to be best for the shoulders to strengthen but not only the chest.

Unleash your push-up potential with expert guidance. Physical therapy in South Charlotte treatment can improve your mobility, reduce pain, and enhance your overall quality of life. Schedule your appointment today at (704) 803-8038. For more inspiration and tips, you can follow us on Instagram.

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Uncommon Physical Therapy has changed my life. I was suffering from horrible sciatica, hip and pelvic pain for 2 years. Now a couple of weeks later, I have been pain-free. I can sleep! Thank you so much!
Doug S.
Uncommon PT -- They truly listened to what was happening with my pain. They gave me exercise and attention no other PT has. I was giving up on PT. This was my last try. It was 100% worth it.
Beth M.
Great guy, Davis. Professional, intuitive, on the money. Time well spent. My shoulder is almost as good as new. Didn't think this progress was possible.
James G.